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Supporting Kaimahi

Give our frontline community workers a round of Applause!!

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Applause connects kaimahi /community workers serving our whānau, with free or discounted goods and services provided by local businesses and volunteers.
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Donate a small kindness for a big heart.
Thank you! Ka pai!
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Kaimahi, choose your small kindness
Be strong. Kia kaha!

Giving back to those who give so much

“Kaimahi often make personal sacrifices to service their communities. We expect so much of them yet often do little to acknowledge their contributions. Let’s show a united front to appreciate and recognise this workforce."
Dr Maria Baker, Pouwhakahaere Matua, Te Rau Ora
As a practicing social worker and manager of a not-for-profit, I have concerns for staff retainment as we are unable to compete with the market when it comes to salary scale. I go out of my way to reward staff and show staff that they are valued in other ways but sometimes that is not enough
(p.29, Social Workers Survey 2019)
The current hours and working conditions of frontline community workers is unsustainable and we need to find a way to support their wellbeing so they can continue to support our country.
Jen Deben, Applause creator
Over lockdown Māori providers rose to the challenge of ensuring vulnerable whānau are housed, in many cases demand for their services more than doubled. This demand has not relented post-lockdown, and we are left wondering “where is the wrap around support for our wrap around support?” A small kindness can go a long way in answer to that question.
Wayne Knox. General Manager
Te Matapihi he Tirohanga mō te Iwi Trust

Our partners

Tuia Group
Ministry of Social Development
Community Comms
Te Matapihi

Want to get involved?

By giving to kaimahi, you're supporting their heroic efforts to get whānau into safe housing and good health - the basics necessary to recover from this economic crisis.
Read about our efforts to support them in our Annual Report.
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